Currently, when i wearing 'selendang'. it was show me politely gurl. thingking by urself, it is true or not...believe me, its true kehkehkeh..dragon ball ader 7 bijik semua nya :p . 'selendang dat i used above proper by angah..my younger sis. she do know that i wearing her 'selendang'..hakhakhak. a cloth actually proper by angah kehkehkeh..she fanatik wit red kaler but i dislike a red kaler..even though, i wearing dat cloth while i hate it..kehkehkeh. a bangle dat i'm using above proper by 'emak' 2. she give me when i try to use it b4 without her premision kehkehkeh..Malaysian call it 'nyoroks' kehkehkeh. every tuesday goment staff should wearing 'BAJU BATIK' 2 show a gud services from us, and for support a compony and others entreprenue in Batik Sector. batiks only obligates for guyz staf. were have a personal 'Batik' design. a light green kaler of batiks it is..huhuhu...smpai skang ida xmo wat..sbb terang ngat kaler nya...xsuai ngan my skin huhuhu..